
Eka Prihatin, Nani Hartini


The Frontline Teacher Program (GGD) is the official program of the Ministry of Education and Culture cooperates with several government agencies to recruit special formation of civil servant teachers and place them in special areas or in the foremost, outermost, disadvantaged, and remote areas in Indonesia. The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of the program which is part of the national policy of structuring and equity of the education, in West Bandung District as one of the targeted areas of the program in 2016. In analyzing the implementation of the program, the researcher was used a descriptive qualitative by applying data collecting techniques such as interviews and documentary. The data were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis and implementation analysis model of George C. Edwards III which focuses on four main factors that can affect the implementation of a policy or program. Those factors are: communication, resource, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of The Frontline Teacher program in West Bandung District has been successfully implemented. However, when viewed from the fulfillment of the four key elements of implementation of the George Edwards III Model, the success rate of the implementation was still on not maximal conditions. The weakness of the communication factor is seen in the ineffective information transmission process reaching up to the target school level so that the principals and teachers at the school are not aware of the existence of the program. It also reveals the main government challenge to this program is how to respond to the emergence of social jealousy for honorary teachers in target schools who also demand to be appointed as civil servant teachers.


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How to Cite

Analysis Of Policy Implementation Of Education Equality Through The Frontline Teachers (Ggd) Program In District West Bandung. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 36, 305-333. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v36i.4257