
Grace Judith Jacqueline Filian Guillen, Dioses Urbina, Sandra Maribel, Grace Patricia Cornejo Filian, Miguel Angel Alania Vasquez, Cristhian Ovidio Ramírez-Valladares, Clemente Angel Alvites Rojas


Through this document, it was possible to analyze the main characteristics of the volume of scientific production related to the study of the variables the importance of health services and the quality of maternal and childcare. A bibliometric analysis was proposed to analyze details such as Year of Publication, Country of Origin of the publication, Area of Knowledge in which the published research is carried out and the Type of Publication most frequently used by the authors of each document published in high impact journals indexed in Scopus database during the period between 2019 and 2023. Among the main findings, it was possible to determine that, for the execution of the different research methodologies, it was possible to report 284 scientific documents related to the study of the importance of health services and quality in maternal and childcare, from public institutions in Latin America and the world. The maximum number of publications in one year was 72 papers submitted in 2020, and the same number of publications in 2021. The country of origin of the institutions that reported the highest number of records in Scopus was the United States with 17 documents. The area of knowledge with the greatest influence at the time of executing the research projects that resulted in scientific publications was medicine, which contributed a great deal of theoretical material in a total of 280 publications. Finally, the type of publication most frequently used to report findings from the analysis of the aforementioned variables was the article, which represented 85% of the total scientific production. 


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How to Cite

Importance Of Health Services And Quality In Maternal And Childcare In Ecuador: A Review Of The Literature. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4982-5001. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.4116