Work-Related Stress And Coping Strategies Among Faculty Members Of Higher Education Institutions (Heis) In Sulu
This descriptive-correlational study assesses the work-related stress and coping strategies among faculty members of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Sulu during the Academic Year 2021-2022. Adopting purposive sampling method with 200 samples, wherein data were analyzed by using weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s r, this study reveals the following findings: 1) Majority is female, within 41-50 years old, have 5 years & below of length of service, are permanent or regular status, and have bachelor’s degree with MA units. 2) Teacher-respondents affirmed that faculty of HEIs in Sulu highly felt psychological stress, emotional and social disturbances that generally caused by occupational climate, physical environment, job demand, degree of autonomy, relationship conflict, job instability, organizational system, and lack of reward. 3) Teacher-respondents affirmed that, with high extent faculty of HEIs in Sulu handle stressful situation through wellness, thought control, active coping, social ease, tension reduction, and spiritual practice. 4) On the average, there is no significant difference in the extent of work-related stress among faculty of higher education institutions in Sulu when data are categorized according to gender, age, length of service, status of appointment, and educational attainment. That is, teacher-respondents do not differ in ways of perceiving the extent of psychological stress, emotional and social disturbances experienced by college faculty of HEIs in Sulu that generally caused by occupational climate, physical environment, job demand, degree of autonomy, relationship conflict, job instability, organizational system, and lack of reward. 5) Generally, there is no significant difference in the extent of coping strategies of college instructors of HEIs in Sulu when data are categorized according to gender, age, and educational attainment. But there exists significant difference in terms of length of service and status of appointment wherein teacher-respondents with permanent teaching status and have been in service for 16 years & above have better ways in perceiving the extent of coping strategies. 6) The constructs of work-related stress and coping strategies as highly correlated. This study tends to support Sanghee Kang, et al. (2015) Occupational Stress Model and Matheny, Kenneth B. et al. (2000) Stress Coping Resources Inventory.