


This descriptive-correlational study assesses leadership roles and proactive personality among employees of Sulu State College during Academic Year 2021-2022. With 100 respondents taken through purposive sampling method, where data collected treated by weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent sample, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s test of correlation coefficient, this study reveals the following findings: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, more one-half or majority of the employee-respondents involved in this study are female, within 30 years old & above, are married, are contractual/ job order status, have 5 years & below of length of service, have Bachelor’s degree and followed closely by Bachelor’s degree with some units in Master’s program. 2) Employee-respondents affirmed that leadership role at Sulu State College stimulates employees to justify and explain their actions to stakeholders, to act in accordance with governmental rules and regulations, to align their actions with the interest of politicians, even if this is costly for them, to actively connect with relevant stakeholders. While proactive personality of employees is described to have strong ability to recognize opportunities, take initiative action, and persevere until a meaningful change takes place. 3) Generally, NO significant difference in the extent of proactive personality and leadership role among employees of Sulu State College when data are categorized according to gender, age, civil status, length of service, status of appointment, and educational attainment. 4) There is high positive correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the leadership role and proactive personality among employees of Sulu State College in terms of Accountability leadership and Rule-following leadership, Political loyalty leadership, and Network governance leadership. This study tends to support Wang, Z. et al (2017) Proactive Personality Model and Stummers and Knies (2015) Public Leadership Roles Models which explicate that proactive personality is an individual difference factor capturing the behavioral tendency toward displaying proactive behaviors to enact positive situational changes. Proactive personality relates more strongly to engagement when organizational support, team proactive diversity is low and average team proactive personality is high.


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How to Cite

Leadership Roles And Proactive Personality Among Employees Of Sulu State College: An Analysis. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4757-4777. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.4076