Factors Affecting Human Resource Management And Organizational Climate In Selected Line Agencies In Sulu Province
The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting human resource management and organizational climate in selected line agencies in the province of Sulu. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the employee-respondents in terms of: a). age; b). gender; c). civil status; d). educational attainment; and e). length of service? 2. What is the extent of the factors affecting human resource management in selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu in terms of: a). Human Resource Management Practices; b). Culture Traits; and c). Leadership Styles? 3. What is the extent of the factors affecting the organizational climate in selected agencies in the Province of Sulu in terms of: a). Job Satisfaction; b). Well-Being; b). Readiness for creativity, Innovation and Change; and c). Employee Retention? 4. How does the organizational climate affected by the following: a). Culture; b). Beliefs; c). Attitudes; and d). Values? 5. Is there a significant difference in the perceptions of the employees on the extent of the factors affecting human resource management and organizational climate in selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu when data are categorized according to age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and length of service? 6. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the employee-respondents and the extent of the factors affecting human resource management and organizational climate in selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu? 7. Is there a significant relationship between the extent of the factors affecting the organizational climate and the extent of the factors affecting the human resource management in selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu? The research design was descriptive exploratory in nature. Using the purposive random sampling technique, two hundred (200) employee-respondents from the ten (10) selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu were drawn. The findings of this study revealed that: On the Demographic Profile of the Employee-Respondents: The distribution of the employee-respondents in terms of age was more or equal in almost all age brackets. As usual, the female employees outnumber the male employees. For civil status, 144 or 87.27% are married, 12 or 7.27% are single, and 9 or 5.40% are widow/er. For educational attainment, 107 or 64.85% are BSEd graduate only, 12 or 7.37% are full-pledged graduate of Master’s Degree, and only 5 or 3.03% are with units in Doctorate Degree. For length of service, 87 or 52.73% are with the agency for 6 years and above while the rest are 5 years and below in the service. On the Extent of the Factors Affecting Human Resource Management in Selected Line Agencies in the Province of Sulu: For the factors affecting human resource management in selected line agencies in the Province of Sulu, it showed that human resource management practices, culture traits, and leadership styles are practiced or manifested most of the time.