
Dr.N.V.S.Suryanarayana, Dr. Anita Nayak, Dr.S.Hemalata


Feelings of inferiority are complex emotions that usually indicate perceived weakness and helplessness.  A lack of timely and effective interventions may bring serious consequence to individuals with inferiority feelings.  Due to privacy concerns, those pupils often hesitate to seek face to face help, but they usually spontaneous share their feelings with their mates.  The study confined to ascertain the level of interiority complex on Language Learning Skills among IX Class Scheduled Tribe pupils of KGBV Schools in Vizianagaram District.  The total sample consist of 400 pupils covering Sex, Locality, Sub-caste, Parental Educational Qualifications to ascertain the level of inferiority complex in respect of language learning skills.  The results are drawn with reference to the hypotheses formulated for the purpose of the study - Based on the analysis of the study; the results are discussed with conclusions.      


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How to Cite

A Study Of Inferiority Complex On Language Learning Skills Of Scheduled Tribe Students Of KGBV Schools In Vizianagaram District. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4659-4669. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.4038