
Endang Noerhartati, Marina Revitriani, Nia Saurina, Lestari Retnawati, Rianmahardhika Sahid Budiharseno


Since 2009, the University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya (UWKS) has been at the forefront of promoting sorghum as a viable alternative to imported food staples. Recognizing sorghum's historical significance, especially in Java, and its adaptability to diverse growing conditions, UWKS has successfully established 30 Sorghum Entrepreneurship Units (SEUs). These SEUs serve as catalysts for the development and commercialization of sorghum, particularly given the crop's resilience in dry conditions. This article focuses on the critical aspect of building trust between sorghum entrepreneurs and SEUs, particularly in the context of online marketing. Utilizing a descriptive qualitative research methodology, the study aims to uncover strategies that sorghum business owners can employ to gain consumer trust for enhancing online sales. Data for this study were collected from multiple sources, including primary data from sorghum entrepreneurs, online store owners, and key informants, as well as secondary data from online consumers. This multi-faceted approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the trust dynamics in online sorghum marketing, thereby offering actionable insights for both entrepreneurs and SEUs. The study thus serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders interested in leveraging online platforms to expand the market for sorghum and other alternative food sources.


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How to Cite

The Role Of E-Commerce In Scaling Sorghum Entrepreneurship: A Case Study On Effective Sales Strategies In Indonesia. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 2581-2607. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.4022