Zakat's Impact On Poverty Alleviation: An In-Depth Analysis In The Context Of Pakistan
Poverty is a scourge that affects both the person and society as a whole. At whatever degree it is present, it poses a threat to humanity. Every society on the planet has attempted to deal with this issue. The most important and fundamental component of an Islamic order is zakat. Its nature, structure, and purpose can be more fully understood in the context of the Islamic way of life as a whole. A social order, including the Zakat and other Sadaqaat systems, evolves and develops in accordance with the principles of the Quran and Sunnah. Zakat plays a significant part in the spiritual and social life of Muslim community because it is a foundational component of Islamic theology. Not only is the payment of zakat required and necessary, but zakat as a system and organization also contributes significantly to social stability. Zakat promotes equitable wealth distribution and has a significant impact on the social system as a whole. A communal social security system for assistance will be created if Zakat is formed as an institution, and the resources can then be used for social development. This research paper aims to: explain the significance of zakat as an institution; elaborate on zakat's impact on social life in Pakistani society, which is the study's central theme; raise necessary awareness of this central theme among all societal segments, especially among intellectuals, elites, and opinion leaders; and encourage further study of zakat's impact on social life in Pakistani society in order to establish zakat as an institution.