
Dr. Seyed Zuhair Al-Mesilini (Tunisia)


Social justice is implementing a coherent set of policies and measures that guarantee the attainment of rights for all people without any bias or inclination towards those in power positions or influence. Social justice has a high status according to the Qur'an Because the Qur'an calls for its spread in human society, and through the verses related to justice, seeks to grow and educate the nation in a way that makes it worth and ready to establish justice and the ruling group from deviating from the implementation of social justice due to complex methods and oppression, and has warned against the aggression shown by the enemy; God says: "Evil does not force you to disobey justice; Pursue justice, which is closer to piety". Nahj al-Balaghah emphasizes the essential concepts and principles that reflect the originality and responsibility of Islam for the realization of social justice and the removal of shackles and chains from man so that man can achieve his freedom and dignity and enjoy them and all his rights and benefit from all the blessings God has bestowed. Imam Ali (AS) has paid attention to the principles that one of his functions is to help implement justice in society. According to these two Islamic sources (Qur'an and Nahj al-Balaghah), social justice can be explained with these characteristics: First: The legal charter and the concepts related to human justice in general, which have been promoted by the Imam, are documented by revelation; That is, God Almighty is the one who has established rights for human beings that meet their social needs and prerequisites; Second: These rights apply to all groups, nations and peoples; That is, human beings enjoy these rights wherever they are, regardless of racial, religious or ethical affiliation; Because Islam considers only human beings in its legal principles, regardless of any classification imposed by social, historical, cultural and religious conditions; Third: These rights are fixed and permanent and cannot be changed or stopped for the sake of self-interest and personal or partisan desires; Fourth: The protection of these rights and their implementation should be entrusted to people who are adorned with virtues, piety, knowledge and away from the one's worldly desires.


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How to Cite

Principles Of Realizing Social Justice From The Perspective Of The Qur’an And Nahj Al-Balaghah. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 2029-2054. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.3923