
Eduard Sinaga Suparto Wijoyo Yetty Dwi Lestary Adrid Indaryanto Bambang Dwi Harijadi


Change becomes essential for managers to achieve targets and goals that have been targeted, especially with the many global changes that are very fast and are also affected by uncertain conditions caused by the pandemic, which changes normal conditions to non-normal. Several phenomena will be less significant in the ability of local managerial and foreign managerial performance, so organizations prefer to use managerial expatriates. This study aims to analyze the influence of organizations, Climate work, knowledge transfer, and the simultaneous application of Information technology to affect managerial performance. This study uses the partial least squares (Smartpls 3.0) approach to analyze the value of structural parameters in modeling structural equations (SEM). This study method is quantitative, including a questionnaire with a Likert scale—the study population was 54 employees from supervisor to manager level. There is an influence of knowledge transfer and application of information technology on managerial performance mediated by the climate work so that the transfer of knowledge and the application of technology-mediated by the climate work environment have a positive and significant effect on managerial performance. Nature of this research managerial performance can be developed by furnishing the transfer of knowledge as knowledge management with the application of information technology strengthened by a culture of the organization through the Climate of work.


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How to Cite

Transfer Knowledge And Information Technology On Work Climate And Managerial Performance:Moderating Effect Organization Culture. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 1950-1972. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.3908

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