Rural Development In Thanjor District Through Panchayat Raj Institution In Tamilnadu
Rural infrastructure development is crucial for the growth and well-being of people living in rural areas. The Panchayat Raj Institution has played a significant role in developing rural infrastructure in Thanjavur district, Tamilnadu, India. However, there is still a need to focus on providing better roadways, electricity, communication facilities, water supply and sanitation systems, transportation, and digital connectivity. The study showed that there are several research gaps that need attention for the effective implementation of rural infrastructure development programs. Addressing these gaps will ensure the sustainability of such programs and help achieve their desired outcomes. This study aimed at examining how the Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) can facilitate rural infrastructure development with special reference to Thanjavur district. 550 is the sample size of the study. Finally, 528 respondents are considered as the sample size for the study. Descriptive statistics, Friedman’s multiple comparison tests, and One way ANOVA analysis are used to describe the sample, to show which are factors highly influenced, and to measure the linear association between the dependent and independent variables. Findings suggest that PRI can play a vital role in facilitating sustainable infrastructural developments if implemented effectively while emphasizing researchers' needs towards identifying research gaps surrounding issues related specifically to Roadways, Electricity, Communication, Water supply, Sanitation, Rural housing, and Transportation within targeted locations themselves.