
Ms. Pooja , Research Scholar Prof. (Dr.) Pranay Verma Dr. Jasbir Singh


This research seeks to determine how certain service attributes of e-commerce might be integrated by partitioning those attributes into distinct components. Prior studies solely focused on the cognitive elements of utilizing the service features of an online store.  This is the first study of its sort to quantify the utility of each service attribute. A focus group method is employed to examine the crucial e-service qualities and classify them into desired levels. This is a prototype combination of e-service attributes using orthogonal design with SPSS  software, this gives a heuristic combination of e-service qualities. Conjoint Analysis, a practical method for identifying the underlying set of features that the user values most, is used for further analysis. Businesses that are able to combine the variety of available e-service features will enhance website usability and, as a result, offer a more satisfying client experience, giving them a competitive advantage. The latest research provides valuable input in designing and altering existing websites. The choice-based conjoint analysis is used to create the optimum value proposition for the service characteristics of online stores. Our findings demonstrate that the respondents considered Payment Option, Shipping option, and convenient exploring as the three most important attributes (in the descending order of the range of part-worth value). Within the attribute of Payment Option, the shipping option of COD is considered the most important feature. The customer choice set, which includes generating shopping categories, guest checkout, free shipping, and cash-on-delivery option, delivers the maximum value, according to the findings.


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How to Cite

A Conjoint Analysis Approach To E-Service Attributes Of Online Shopping Websites To Generate An Optimised Unique Selling Proposition. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4574-4591. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.3792