
Fathullah Asni Bibi Noraini Mohd Yusuf Ahmad Yusairi Yusli Mohamad Ihsan Zulkifli


This study explores a new model for managing qurban (sacrificial worship) based on the fundraising concept. Since the management of sacrificial worship has a large capital from public funds, it is a loss if it has not been developed in a systematic way like TABUNG HAJI and waqf. This study is conducted through a qualitative method, which means it uses library research and field studies to collect data. The library research is directed by examining articles, statutes, books, and related circulars. From the empirical aspect, field studies were conducted in an unstructured interview method with eight interviewees comprising two officers of Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) (JAKIM), two academics in the field of Shariah and Islamic Economics with the rank of professor, two officers of Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (State Islamic Religious Council) (MAIN), and two mosque committee members. The results of the study suggest several reforms in the management of sacrificial worship that can lead to the generation of funds; there are the central management of qurban managed by JAKIM, collect member fees either in cash or in instalments at any time according to the packages offered, membership fees collected in the qurban fund centre is invested into safe and Shariah-compliant investment schemes, and utilise the profits from the investment to help those in need. In addition, the results of the study also suggest that slaughtered meats be distributed intelligently to the poor. Therefore, based on these recommendations, the concept of sacrificial worship can generate funds like other Islamic instruments such as waqf.


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How to Cite

A New Model Of Fundraising Management Through Qurban (Sacrificial Worship) Fund: A Qualitative Research Approach. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 1626-1651. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.3755

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