Factors Influencing Diffusion Of Development Administration Information System (Siapbang) Innovation To Increase Participation In Regional Development: Evidence From Brebes Regency, Indonesia
Problem/Background (GAP): The use of the SIAPBang application is still relatively small. When compared with the number of internet access in Brebes Regency. This is a crucial problem because if there are only a few SIAPBang visitors, the purpose of this application needs to be conveyed, which impacts community participation in regional development. Therefore it is necessary to spread innovation to increase the number of application visitors. Objective: This study aims to find effective communication channels and strategies for spreading innovation. Method: This research uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. It is collecting data using interview techniques, observation, and documents. There are 20 (twenty) informants interviewed in this study both as carriers and adopters. The theory used as an analytical tool in this research is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory by Everett M. Rogers. Findings: The results obtained from this study are that 6 (six) factors influence the process of innovation diffusion SIPBang. Conclusion: The community needs to be more interested in accessing the application so that it affects the number of visitors. Strategies are needed in spreading innovation by continuing to be active in spreading innovation by maximizing the quality of the application and speed in handling problems and creating interesting content.