Professional Competencies, Technical And Pedagogical Readiness For The New Normal Of Faculty Members In The University Of Eastern Philippines
The educational system has undergone numerous changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers were caught unprepared to face this big challenge. This study was conducted among the faculty members of the University of Eastern Philippines utilizing the descriptive-correlational design. There were 85 faculty-respondents participated in the survey using the online format and six (6) using the traditional survey questionnaire. Results revealed that the faculty members of the University of Eastern Philippines had a high degree of professional competence. They had a high level of technological and pedagogical readiness. The profile of the respondents like age, sex, highest degree earned, the campus where they are teaching at present, academic rank, number of year in service had no significant relationship with the dependent variables of professional competence, technological readiness and pedagogical readiness. Professional competence was found to have significant relationship with the respondents’ technological readiness and pedagogical readiness. The respondents’ technological readiness was found to have significant relationship with their pedagogical readiness.