Principles, Objectives, And Socio-Political Realities Of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy, 2019-2023 Covenant University Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
The goal of developing a country's foreign policy is to advance and safeguard the country's national objectives. Therefore, the essence of this study is to analyse the principles of Nigeria’s foreign policy in the context of the country’s present socio-political realities. The study engaged secondary data, while the theory of Manifest Destiny was adopted. Findings revealed that Nigeria has not reaped the rewards of all its sacrifices and dedication to the African course. This study recommends that there should be a reconstruction of Nigeria’s foreign policy based on its current realities of tribal sectioning and religious interest by pursuing a foreign policy that is centred on the country and her citizens as a united entity.
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How to Cite
Principles, Objectives, And Socio-Political Realities Of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy, 2019-2023 Covenant University Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 287-308.