Job Satisfaction And Administrative Capabilities Among Employees In Higher Education Institutions In Sulu
he study is a descriptive research which looked into the profile of employees in Higher Education Institutions in Sulu in terms of age, school, educational attainment length of Service, field of specialization, more important, this research undertaking identified the various level of job satisfaction and administrative capabilities of the employees on administrator`s administrative capabilities in Higher Education Institutions in Sulu.
The study was conducted in Jolo, Sulu using selected employees of Higher Education Institutions such as: Sulu State College (SSC), Notre Dame of Jolo College (NDJC), Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trade (HBSAT), and Sulu College of Technology (SCT).
A checklist questionnaire was used in gathering the data patterned from the study of John Thomas Husman (2007). There are three sets of questions: the first set will inquire the profile of the respondents; the second set will inquire the employees’ job satisfaction as influenced by the administrative capabilities of the school administrator. The third will inquire the administrative capabilities of school administrators based on the perception of employees in Higher Education Institutions.
The issue of validity and reliability of the instruments was accounted to the work of John Thomas Husman (2007). Initially, the reliability of the questionnaire was found at Cronbach’s Alpha for overall scales are .862 (very high) and correlation coefficients at .782(highly correlated) for overall subscales.
The following are findings of this study:
1). On demographic profile of employees-respondents.
Out of the 200 employees-respondents, majority are within 30-49 years old, are female employees, are married, have 15 years & below of length of service, have regular-permanent status of appointment, and have 39,999 & below of salary rate.
2). On the extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities on the Employees.
Sub-categories subsumed under the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities among Employees in Higher Education in Sulu as Promotion, Work Environment, Incentives, Loyalty, Reduced Conflict, and Improved Fellowship are all rated as “Strongly Agree” which means that have high impact on employee’s job satisfaction.
3). On differences in extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities on the Employees.
Except by gender, there is a significant difference in extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities among employees in Higher Education in Sulu when data are grouped according to gender. Employees who are 50 years old & above, who are married, with 11 years & above of years in service, with regular/permanent status of appointment, and with salary of 35,000 & above are better perceivers of the extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities among employees.
4)On correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities on the Employees.
Generally, there was a high positive correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the extent of the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities among employees in Higher Education in Sulu. Respondents who generally perceived the job satisfaction and administrative capabilities among Employees in Higher Education in Sulu in terms of Promotion as “Strongly Agree” are most probably the same group of respondents who perceived the Work Environment, Incentives, Loyalty, Reduced Conflict, and Improved Fellowship as “Strongly Agree”, respectively.