Significance Of Socio-Economic Factors On The Psychological Well-Being Of Retired Older Persons
Ageing is an inevitable development phenomenon with several changes in the physical, hormonal, psychological, and social. Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand while others decline. The psychological Well-being of Older persons has become a focus of discussion due to the challenges of population ageing and the need to improve the well-being of the ageing population. The socioeconomic factor and psychological well-being of older persons are closely associated with each other and they contribute to the well-being of an individual. As age increases many factors other than health may affect the psychological well-being of retired older persons. Socioeconomic factors play a vital role in deciding the status and quality of life of retired older persons. Psychological well-being and socio-economic status may be protective factor for healthy ageing and also promotes longevity. Thus, the researcher has aimed to study the association between socio-economic factors and the psychological well-being of retired older persons residing in Perambalur District. The snowball sampling method was applied to collect the data from 60 respondents residing in Perambalur District. A standardized tool on psychological well-being developed by Ryff was used in this study. The major findings of the study showed that the majority of the respondents were male (73.3%) and more than half of the respondents had a low level of psychological well-being (55%) and 45 per cent of them had a high level of psychological well-being.