Network Development Of Buddhist Communication Innovative Space For Media Literacy Of Thai Youths
The purposes of this research were 1) to analyze the network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space, 2) to develop a model for network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai Youths, and 3) to assess the result of network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai Youths. This research was designed by using Action Research according to the PAOR process. The research process was divided into 4 steps, comprising a planning step by analyzing the creation network of Buddhist communication innovative space, acting step by developing a model for network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai youths, observing step by observe the results arising from the follow-up of the results of the implementation process, and reflecting step by reflected the results by evaluating the network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai Youths. Results can be summarized as follows: 1) The results of a study on the network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space, it can be summarized as a guideline for creating a network of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy among Thai youths consisted innovative space networks are linked between educational institutions, coordinated, area for creating creative learning activities, for designing innovation, focuses on Buddhist communication for media literacy, for Buddhist communication that promotes learning, create a learning kit for Buddhist communication, designed activities for youth to be media literate and up-to-date, be a collaboration between educational institutions and local organization, and be a medium for building a learning community. It is worth noting that the outstanding method for network creation that are linked between educational institutions, serve as a medium for building a learning community, and have continued collaboration and joint activities. 2) Results of the development of a model for network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai youths can be summarized as follows: The four main components are 1) communication for Buddhist teaching, 2) Communication in Buddhist society, 3) Communication for Buddhist lifestyle, and 4) Media literacy of Thai youths. The integration of 5 Buddhist principles of communication innovation for media literacy of Thai youths, consisted of 1) media literacy according to the Tri-sikkhā, principles, 2) Dawn of education, 3) media literacy, 4) Paṭisaṃbhidā as important principles for the information age, and 5) Vuḍḍhidhamma IV as the growth of wisdom. In the follow-up and evaluation, three assessment frameworks were established: 1) the knowledge gained, 2) the application in daily life, and 3) the transfer of knowledge. 3) Assessment results of network creation of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai youths. It was concluded that the results of the second order confirmatory factor analysis of measurement model Buddhist communication for media literacy of Thai youths (BCTY) found that the model fit with the empirical data. Determined by the chi-square value (c2=65.12, df=49, p=.061), which is not significantly different from zero, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) was .979, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) was .948, and Standardized residual mean square root index (RMR) was .020 indicated that the model fit with the empirical data. From the assessment results, the model of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai Youths was analyzed and the model fit with the empirical data. It means that it is consistent with the reality of youth in learning Buddhist communication in order to be aware of the media by being able to learn, understand, apply and transfer to others. From the findings of this research, it will be a guideline to promote the drive of Buddhist communication innovative space for media literacy of Thai youths.