Entrepreneurship Leadership: Fostering An Entrepreneurial Spirit In Students During Pandemic Covid-19 (Case Study In Tebuireng Boarding School East Java)
Leadership becomes very urgent in monitoring the progress of an organization in conditions that often face uncertain changes. The world of Islamic boarding schools is no exception, which is currently required to be able to finance the operations of daily activities. This is where new breakthroughs are needed to make products and market them so that there is additional income that can strengthen the sustainability of the pesantren. The problem is to find someone who is able to move the board of the pesantren to want to open a business and of course this is not easy. This entrepreneurial leadership is what is needed today in the pesantren world, not starting at the Tebuireng pesantren, which is currently starting to pursue entrepreneurship in the manufacture of pure honey, shampoo, soap and so on. The purpose of this study was to identify entrepreneurial leadership in the management of the Tebuireng pesantren. Conceptual framework based on the object of research for the development of further research. The approach in this research is qualitative with case study technique. Data collection was carried out by interviewing 2 informants who were administrators at the pesantren. The results of the study explain that entrepreneurial leadership must be able to innovate, namely exploratory and exploitative innovation.