An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Sub-National Legislature In Nigeria: A Syudy Of Niger State House Of Assembly, 2007-2015
The legislature is the institution of government whose main roles is the making of laws for the good government of the country. In every nation, the legislature as the accredited representatives of the people has the duty of promoting national development through its chain of activities. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the Niger state House of Assembly in law making between 2007 and 2011. The data for this study was obtained from secondary sources such as documents accessed books, journal articles, newspapers, as well as encyclopedias while descriptive approach and content-analysis of secondary sources extracted from documents accessed books, journal articles, newspapers, as well as encyclopedias was employed. We discovered that law making process in the Niger state House of Assembly is an interesting chain of activities, which involves passing of motions into resolutions and bills into laws which depending on certain circumstances contribute in one way or the other to development of Niger state. On the whole, we discovered also that the legislature in the Niger state House of Assembly between 2007 and 2011 were more effective than the legislature in the Niger state House of Assembly between 2011 and 2015 in terms of the numbers of bills passed.