Management Practices Of Chinese Employers And Job Satisfaction Of Workers
The primary focused in the study was to determine the management practices of Chinese employers to the Boholano community and the level of satisfaction of the local employees to their Employers in the Province of Bohol for the year 2017 to 2018. The study employed quantitative correlation research design. There were 12 establishments used to identify the profile of Chinese investment in the province and 308 respondents who are employed by the Chinese investors. Total enumeration methods were used in gathering the data. The questionnaire was based was based on different researchers with reliability off the items after pilot testing was conducted. Multiple regression analysis was used to see if the profile predict to the variable and the use of Spearman rank was employed to see if there are interrelationships among variables. The result showed that majority of the Chinese start their businesses for are most three years in the province. Most of the Chinese business owners have one business entities. Finally, the type of business capitalization was mostly micro enterprises. The management practices in terms of Job Analysis are moderately practiced as observed by the respondents. The management Practices in the aspect of Work Family Balance, Career Development, and Employee Treatment and Employee Benefits are practiced to the less extent and not impressive. With regards to the level of satisfaction of employees in both motivation and hygiene method, the respondents answered are both less satisfied. The study further suggests that profile of establishments has no relationship between management practices and job satisfaction of workers. There is a strong relationship between management practices and job satisfaction among workers. The study concludes that Chinese establishment in the Province of Bohol is yet to achieve the ideal management practices that are ideally acceptable by their local employees. Such poor management practices are observed by their worker and a big factor for the unsatisfied workers they employ in the aspects of both motivational and hygiene factor. Management practices with less human consideration could lead to unsatisfied workers. Management should always consider the human factor in dealing with business affairs to attain better satisfaction of workers.