Attitude Of Student-Teachers Towards Teaching Profession In Nagaon And Sonitpur District Of Assam
The 21st century educational system is a test of excellence in all areas of life. Teaching-learning already encompasses more recent and exciting fields of education. The teacher is the most valuable human resource in the noble profession of teaching. Today, we need teachers with high academic and professional qualifications as well as a sincere responsibility and commitment to work tirelessly to improve students' learning, capacity, and achievement in order to help them become more independent and self-actualizing individuals. The main objectives of this study are to study the level of attitude of Student-Teachers towards Teaching Profession, to compare the attitude of male and female student-teachers towards teaching profession, to compare the attitude of arts and science stream’s student-teachers towards teaching profession and to compare the attitude of Nagaon and Sonitpur district’s student-teachers towards teaching profession. In this study, the population was all the student-teachers of government B.Ed. colleges in Nagaon and Sonitpur District of Assam. The investigators have used descriptive survey method and the sample has been selected by using disproportionate stratified random sampling technique. A sample of 160 student-teachers of government B.Ed. colleges in Nagaon and Sonitpur District are selected. In this study, the investigators have used self-made tool related to the study on the attitude of student-teachers towards teaching profession which has been developed based on the earlier studies conducted by various researchers to collect data and these data were analysed by using appropriate statistical techniques as percentage, mean, SD and t-test. From this study, the investigator found that Majority of students i.e., 129 out of 160 students reported to have high level of attitude towards teaching profession, there is no significant difference between the attitude of male and female student-teachers towards teaching profession, there is no significant difference between the attitude of arts and science streams student-teachers towards teaching profession and there is no significant difference between the attitude of Nagaon and Sonitpur district’s student-teachers towards teaching profession.