The Effect Of Crushed Crab Exoskeleton Powder On The Characteristics Of Crab Meatballs
Meatballs consist of a blend of minced meat, seasonings, and occasionally additional components such as crab shell powder. The primary focus of this investigation aimed to assess how the introduction of crab shell powder impacts the excellence of crab meatballs across three distinct treatment variations:T1 with 30 grams, T2 with 60 grams, and T3 with 90 grams were the designated quantities. This study delved into evaluating the effects on color, taste, scent, and consistency. Additionally, its objective extended to establishing noteworthy variations in the preferences of respondents among various compositions.The investigator utilized an experimental approach in conjunction with a survey questionnaire. The collected data were organized through the calculation of weighted averages and analysis of variance, enabling the identification of notable distinctions in the preferences expressed by respondents across the three treatments.The research engaged a total of seventy-five (75) participants, encompassing individuals from the fields of Food Technology, instructional staff, and professional chefs. As revealed by the outcomes, the most favorable concoction was Treatment 2, containing 60 grams of crab shell powder, exhibiting an average weighted mean of 7.69, indicative of a "strong preference."Therefore, crab meatballs possess the potential to be regarded as a viable option for inclusion on dining tables, contributing to diverse culinary experiences and serving as a prospective source of revenue for entrepreneurial ventures.