Analysis Of The Sources Of Work Stress, How To Respond To Coping Strategy Choices In State Civil Apparatus Service Of The State Treasure
Background : Job stress can be experienced in all fields of work, not only industrial workers but also in the State Civil Apparatus. ASN Finance Department. The State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) has relatively high work pressure compared to other ASNs , so it has the potential to experience high psychological pressure
Methods : A cross-sectional study using an explanatory research approach was conducted on 130 samples of State Civil Apparatus (ASN), which were taken using a simple random sampling technique. using The Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (BJSQ) and The Brief COPE to assess coping strategies.
Results: There is a correlation between sources of work stress in the work environment category on coping strategies in the avoidant coping model (2.60 ± 1.14) with a p value <0.01. There is also a correlation between work stress responses on aspects of high response to emotional focus model coping strategies coping (75.63 ± 24.67). p value <0.01. There is a negative correlation between coping strategies on work stressors (r = -0.218, p<0.05), and job stress responses (r = -0.188, p<0.05).
Conclusion: Aspects of the work environment and high responsiveness proved to be significantly correlated with avoidant coping . Emotional focused coping