Systematic Review On Educational Interventions To Improve Coping Strategies And Quality Of Life Among Primary Caregivers Of Cancer Patients
Background: In past studies, numerous challenges faced by primary caregivers of cancer patients have been classified as mental and physical health burdens, financial strain, and social isolation. Educational interventions can help improve primary caregivers' coping mechanisms and quality of life.
Objective: To examine the challenges that primary caregivers of cancer patients face, the impact that these challenges have on their coping skills and quality of life, and to present a framework that can be used for improving the quality of life and coping skills of primary caregivers of breast cancer patients.
Methods: The researcher conducted a database search on six databases, including Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. Studies included in this review lay between 2013 to 2023. The focus was on the extraction of primary caregivers’ experiences and enhanced QoL
Results: The search yielded 31 studies that had met the inclusion-exclusion criteria. The themes from the 31 studies included the challenges faced by primary caregivers, the educational interventions, and their positive effects on quality of life and coping skills. The foremost effective interventions recognized in the results included psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy, and resilience-building activities.
Conclusion: The findings of the review indicate the need to develop policies and intervention programs that provide educational, emotional, social, and financial support to the primary caregivers of cancer patients.