
Ms. J. Renee Arathi Dr. A. Sivagami


Quality of life is included in sustainable development, which refers to strategies aimed at ensuring growth in a way that both meets people's needs today and does not degrade them in the future. . This paper aims at studying the quality of life of the people who were reclocated from the Chennai slums phase by phase after the Chennai floods in 2015. This resettlement which commenced after the floods in 2015 in Chennai, has led to mass resettlement of thousands of families from their original habitats to Perumbakkam, nearly 20 kms away from their previous location. The WHOQOL-BREF a 26-item instrument consisting of four domains: physical health (7 items), psychological health (6 items), social relationships (3 items), and environmental health (8 items); it also contains QOL and general health items was used to collect primary data. The analysis shows variations in the level of different domains of quality of life of the respondents.


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How to Cite

Quality of Life of Resettled Families in Urban Areas- An Empirical Study. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 2158-2163. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.2918