
Gaybird Parial-Palacio


This study investigates the perspectives of school-age learners on oral health and explores the significance of designing a dental health education program for the Division of Northern Samar. Combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies through a descriptive research design, the research describes the profile of Grade one to six pupils across four districts in Catarman. Additionally, the study examines the status and practices of oral hygiene among the respondents. The findings indicate that common foods offered to the pupils consist of rich and fish, rich and chicken, and rice and vegetables. Most of the pupil-respondents' parents have low income and college education, yet they remain optimistic about the importance of cleaning their children's teeth after every meal. Prevalent dental issues among the respondents include tooth decay and tooth loss, primarily attributed to inadequate brushing. However, the majority of the learners show consistent flossing practices and awareness of dental floss's significance to oral health. The study highlights the need for a comprehensive health education program in the Division of Northern Samar, as no such program has been previously designed.


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How to Cite

Assessment of School-Age Learners’ Oral Health and Dental Hygiene Practices in Northern Samar: Implications for a Dental Health Education Program . (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 2022-2027. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.2877