
Zhang Feifei Su Yimiao


This article mainly analyzes the music works of the Mujiangzi Band during different periods of its development through oral history interviews. It provides a detailed analysis of the band's works, styles, use of instruments, and incorporation of ethnic musical elements in different periods and styles. By observing the significant events in the music transformation of the Mujiangzi Band and exploring the stories behind their songs, we aim to understand how this band's music continuously evolves and changes under various influences. This article focuses on studying the music styles of the band's works in different periods, treating the band's development and transition as a cultural phenomenon, and using their development process to understand the concept of transition.

It also explores the band's musical identity and personal identity.


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How to Cite

Music Transition of Mujiangzi Band . (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 3504-3521. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.2472