
Zholdasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakovich Alptekin Zeynel Zholdasbekova Karlygash Abdimanapovna Sikhinbay Igilik Beisenovich Sikhynbaeva Zhamila Sarsenbaevna


This article discusses the comparative pedagogical analysis of the higher education systems of Kazakhstan and Turkey. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the peculiarities of the transformation of the Kazakh and Turkish higher education systems are similar in structure. However, given the fact that any system is unique, Kazakh education has a number of distinctive features from the Turkish system. For both countries, education means the path to success, achieving new results, the key to a happy future. States need qualified trained specialists who will help develop the country's economy.

Studying the experience of developed different countries leads to the idea that there is a mandatory well-thought-out multilevel higher education, close links between secondary education, higher education and postgraduate education-after graduation. The last links of secondary compulsory education are smoothly transitioning into higher education, and postgraduate practice is carried out in terms of continuing education.

A comparative analysis of pedagogical systems in different states is also of interest in terms of determining how material investments in education are related to what the results of this training are. The level of economic development can be considered a reflection of the quality of higher education, but not only, there is another side of the issue. It seems that an educated society is the real basis of political consent and national unity. An educated society is capable of analyzing the situation, is capable of tolerance and foreseeing the results of current processes.

In this work, through the analysis of research, the direction and ways of development of university education in Kazakhstan were identified, a comparison of university training in Turkey and Kazakhstan was carried out. The innovation in the article is the processes of transformation, globalization, internationalization and integration in education.


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How to Cite

FEATURES OF COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN KAZAKHSTAN AND TURKEY . (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4287-4304. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.2428