
Hully Rahman Ahmad Zikri Irwan Sawaluddin Achmad Ghozali Syafii Yorman


Religious moderation is a religious perspective, attitude, and behavior by taking the middle way, acting fairly, balanced, and not extreme or not exaggerating in religion. In Islam, the concept of religious moderation is often equated with the Islamic term wasathiyah. Religious moderation is also understood as an attitude of prioritizing balance in terms of beliefs, morals, and character as an expression of the religious attitudes of certain individuals or groups, showing tolerance and respect for every difference and diversity and not imposing will in the name of religious understanding by means of violence. This study aimed to describe the internalization of religious moderation values, its practices, and challenges at universities. This qualitative research gathered data from observation, interviews, and documentation, where the data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model ranging from data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was carried out through persistent observation, prolonged engagement, referential adequacy, and triangulation. The study found that internalization of the values included: first, the process of internalizing the values consisted of the following stages: transformation (cognitive), transactions (affective), and trans-internalization (psychomotor).


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How to Cite

Internalizing Religious Moderation Values Into The Islamic Education At University. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 1122-1138. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.2367