
Nel Fernando Encarnación Valentin Jorge Alberto Palomino Way Norvina Marlena Marcelo Angulo Fiorella Silvana Diaz Leon Herminia León Vilca Eliseo Toro Dextre Emigdio Antonio Alfaro Paredes


This study evaluated the main cultural, historical and archaeological sites of Rapaz in two phases: (a) collection of secondary information from libraries, museums and interviews and (b) collection of primary information for the identification of the historical evolution of the formation of the town of Rapaz and the characterization of the cultural, historical and archaeological elements of Rapaz. The following elements were found: (a) archaeological settlements from the pre-Hispanic stage of the Late Intermediate to the Inca Horizon (1,100 to 1532 AD), such as Rapazmarca, Pinchulin, Lamash, Kotosh, Huamancamarca, Huaychomarca, Pilaugayan, Ragapata, Intigaga and Pilaupampa; (b) the khipus used from the Inca period to the Republican period; (c) the bell tower (from the colonial period) and (d) the Sistine church of Rapaz. Rapaz has a cultural, historical, and archeological heritage corresponding to the pre-Inka, Inka, colonial, emancipation, and republican eras, with diverse aspects that make it unique in Peru and the world. It was recommended to carry out more studies that combine ethnographic techniques with linguistic, historical and archaeological techniques to deepen the results found and compare the iconography of the Church of San Cristobal de Rapaz with the iconography of other Spanish colonial churches in Peru and the world.


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How to Cite

Rapaz: Andean Cultural, Historical And Archaeological Heritage For The World. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 1512-1538. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.2102