
Lolo Avellaneda Callirgos , María Aurelia Lazo Pérez , Juan Diego Dávila Cisneros , Yvonne de Fátima Sebastiani Elías , Percy Carlos Morante Gamarra , Eduardo Abraham Arrascue Becerra , Enrique Wilfredo Carpena Velasquez


The objective is recognized in: Contrast the relationship that exists between the strategy I learn at home and academic performance in the area of ​​mathematics in the educational institution 10011 José Leonardo Ortiz, the research is basic, descriptive-correlational non-experimental design. The results are as follows: 63% of the students present a low level, 17% a medium level and 20% a high level; the Rho = 0.600; for a moderately significant association.

In problem solving, 50% of the students present a low level, 41% a medium level and 9% a high level; resolution of problems of regularity, equivalence and change 63% are at a low level, 17% medium level and 20% high level; resolution of movement and location problems, 50% low level, 39% medium level and 11% high level; resolution of data management problems and uncertainty 60% is at a low level,  20% medium level and 20% high level.

Classification JEL: D23,E24


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How to Cite

I Learn At Home Strategy And Academic Performance. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 1127-1144. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.2052