
Bashar Awad Altarawneh , Abed Alhakim Isleem Salman Alqaraleh


This study aimed at identifying the democracy in Kuwait from a legislative perspective. The study used three approaches: analytical descriptive approach, systems approach, and legal approach.

The results concluded several results, most notably: first, democracy in Kuwait acquired certain characteristics that distinguished it from many other political systems in the region. Also, the general trait of practicing democracy in Kuwait was its slow progress; second, the Kuwaiti democracy was expressed in legislations, either in constitution, or in the election law of the National Assembly and the law of public meetings and gatherings; and third, legislations, and more specifically the constitution, affected the political participation and the process of representing the political parties.

The study recommended the following: first, the importance of mentioning the political parties in the Kuwaiti constitution from which a law regulating the work of parties is derived - Kuwait is a country that is based on the parliamentary system and enjoys a political awareness that is manifested in the form of a well-developed partisan work; second, modifying the law of public meetings in order to be compatible with constitution articles; enhancing cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities in order to enhance the political life in Kuwait.


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How to Cite

Democracy In Kuwait: From A Legislative Perspective. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 4124-4144. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.2016