The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On Organizational Sustainability: A Case Study Of Business Companies In Bangkok
This paper aimed to analyze the influence of transformational leadership on organizational sustainability of business companies in Bangkok. Data were collected from 350 participants who were administrators and employees working in five business companies in Bangkok metropolitan areas. The research questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data. Descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics consisting of Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analyze the collected data. The research results showed that transformational leadership has an influence on organizational sustainability of business companies in Bangkok with statistical significance at the .01 (F=65.438, p=.000). The forecasting equation from multiple regression analysis can predict the influence of transformational leadership on organizational sustainability of business companies in Bangkok at 75.6 percent (Adjusted R2 = .756), whereas, the rest 24.4 percent was the result of other factors, which were not studied in this research. In particular, intellectual stimulation (IS) had the highest influence on organizational sustainability of business companies in Bangkok (Beta = .728, p < .01), followed by inspirational motivation (IM) (Beta = .679, p < .01), idealized influence (II) (Beta = .615, p < .01), and individualized consideration (IC) (Beta = .536, p < .01). The recommendations from the study were that the characteristics of transformational leadership consisting of inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration and idealized influence are critical to the organizational sustainability. However, future research should study more about the characteristics of transformational leadership that match with the current business companies such as strong determination, being visionary and strategic man, and result orientation that would have an influence on organizational sustainability of business companies.