Problems And Solutions Of The Arts Of Recurring The Qur’an In Developing The Character Of Students At The Nurul Qur’an Boarding School, Lombok Central Province Of West Nusa Tenggara
Recently, many students and pesantren have come from the Islamic community and non-Islamic communities, both from within the country and abroad, and also have various objectives and backgrounds. There is a positive focus, namely to find an alternative education system, this is driven by the notion that the existing education system is not in accordance with the demands of the times, so it is necessary to look for a new system as a replacement. Meanwhile, the negative focus stated that Islamic boarding schools are an education system that is redundant and hinders progress, which therefore needs to be reformed, so that the goal is clear to look for possibilities to change it.Willingness can be said to be the main factor determining the success of one's learning. More than that, it can be said that interest is the main driving force that determines one's success in every aspect of life.This is because the will factor directly influences various other factors, such as the power of concentration, attention, fortitude, and diligence. Pesantren as a forum for the formation of the character of students has a very long history. Therefore, a theoretical review of the implementation of character education in Islamic boarding schools also requires a historical study of the progress, roles and products of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the character of Indonesia’s warriors and development actors. The implementation of character education in Islamic boarding schools is clearly reflected in the fighting spirit of national figures who have a background in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools with their unique educational pattern become a space and place for the placement of the character of their students. The various programs that have been developed are also an integral part of the futuristic vision of Islamic boarding schools as institutions capable of making a significant contribution to inculcating positive character values for the country’s children. The existence of pesantren, which are generally community-managed institutions, is also more of a contribution in supporting the national education system.
- In general, the implementation of character education at the Nurul Qur’an Praya Islamic Boarding School in Central Lombok has been carried out in an integrated manner in the learning process both inorganize in formal education such as Islamic Middle School and Madrasah Aliyah institutions as well as extracurricular programs developed in hostels, such as the art education program for reciting the Al-Qur’an, implementing integrated character education at the vision-mission level, and the objectives of the Nurul Qur’an Praya Islamic Boarding School Lombok Middle. The formation of character through the art of reciting the Qur’an includes characters related to perseverance, patience, responsibility, and religion. The formation of the character of students through education in the art of reciting the Qur’an can be seen from the character that grows and is observed from the activities of the students. These characters grow from habituation processes that take place continuously through education in the art of reciting the Qur’an.
- Indicators for the formation of the character of the santri through education in the art of reciting the Qur’an can be seen from values such as the patience of the santri, the character of responsibility, obedience and religious situations that characterize the life of the santri. This religious atmosphere is clearly illustrated in the culture of greetings, dress and clothing, obedience and obedience of students, manners, worship, recitation and morals that are reflected in the lives of students in the art of reciting the Qur’an at the Nurul Qur’an Praya Islamic Boarding School, Central Lombok .
- Improving the competence and professionalism of teachers by sending teachers to teach at the Nurul Qur’an Islamic Boarding School in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Provinceto take part in upgrading activities or teacher training.