
Yoseph Pedhu


Resilience is an individual's effort to withstand and grow healthily in facing a stressful life. Resilience is very useful, especially in helping individuals develop a better life which consists of components of emotional regulation, impulse control, optimism, empathy, the ability to analyze problems, self-efficacy, and increasing positive aspects. Religious life is a form of a life dedicated to God and freely chosen by individuals that are manifested in the fulfillment of religious vows. This article aims to examine resilience in the religious’ life and constructive ways to develop it. The author examines the meanings, dimensions, supporting factors, and previous studies that contribute to resilience. Based on previous concepts and research, the author outlines several ways that can be applied in helping a religious develop resilience in his/her life.


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How to Cite

Psychological Resilience In The Religious Life: Conceptual Framework And Efforts To Develop It. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 3841-3855. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.1938