
Elvri T Simbolon , Roida Lumbantobing , Tio RJ Nadeak , Rina Kesia Silaban


This study aims to determine the evaluation of reactions, evaluation of learning outcomes, evaluation of behavior and evaluation of the impact of the application of Hybrid Learning. The research method used is the evaluation research method. The study was conducted at Private Santa Maria Tarutung Junior High School with 112 students. Quantitative data collection using a closed questionnaire filled in directly by respondents. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using the Percentage technique. Evaluation at the reaction stage (Level 1), reactions to the resource persons and organizers showed that students were very satisfied with the services of the organizers on average of 76.14%, while satisfaction with the resource persons (Teachers) was 67.22%. Evaluation of learning outcomes (Level 2) shows that student learning outcomes have improved knowledge and skills. Learning outcomes in the realm of knowledge have increased by an average of 1.68%. Learning outcomes in the field of skills increased by an average of 1.53%. For the Realm of Knowledge from 112 respondents, 101 students experienced an increase, 6 students remained and 4 students experienced a decrease. In the Ability of 112 respondents, 102 students experienced an increase, 7 students remained and 3 people experienced a decrease. Behavioral Evaluation (Level 3) based on research findings due to Hybrid Learning averaged 57.63% of students experienced changes in behavior according to the perceptions of student friends.  Based on the findings of the study, students experienced a change in behavior of 76.64% according to the student's own perception. Evaluation on the impact (Level 4) of hybrid learning implementation that answers is very impactful with the impact there is 73.22% in the form of increasing knowledge understanding, learning motivation, identifying, expressing in cultural arts subjects.


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How to Cite

Hybrid Learning In Cultural Dressing And Local Wisdom: Evaluation Of Reactions, Outcomes, Behaviors, And Impacts. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 806-815. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.1916