The Trend Of Al-I'tizal Between The Caliphs' Acceptance And The Resistance Of Jurists: The Example Of Al-Ma'mun, Al-Mu'tasim, And Al-Wathiq (198 AH/813 CE-232/847 CE)
This study focuses on the Abbasid Caliphs' (Al-Ma'mun, Al-Mu'tasim, and Al-Wathiq) adoption of the policy of Al-I'tizal and their attempt to impose it forcibly as the official doctrine of the state during the period (198 AH/813 CE-232/847 CE). The study also examines the collision of these Caliphs' positions with the Al-Rafidhi jurists' resistance to the policy of Al-I'tizal. Between the Caliphs' acceptance and the jurists' rejection, the study highlights the ordeal that resulted in the examination, persecution, torture, and killing of the opposing jurists, led by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. The study mainly focuses on explaining the Caliphs' positions and studying them as a model for adopting the policy of Al-I'tizal. It also clarifies the opposing jurists' positions towards that policy. The study concluded the success of the opposing jurists in their steadfastness and the failure of the Caliphs' policy of adopting the trend of Al-I'tizal and imposing it as the official doctrine of the state. Furthermore, the study also shows the role of society and the public in thwarting the policy of Al-I'tizal due to their sympathy with the opposing jurists and their support for them.