
Ibrahim Mohammed Alanazi , Saif Helal Almutairi , Hamoud Ghayyadh Alanizi , Sultan Mohammed Alanazi , Hatim Faihan Alotaibi , Salman Abdullah Alharbi , Fahad Ghazi Almutairi , Bader Naif Alotaibi , Ahmed Sayer Alshammri


In addition to a range of locations where emergency medical care is needed, they have the necessary information and operating policies. People may wait for help longer for various reasons in rural and residential areas. Such facilities are also being investigated for the benefits they may bring in reducing health inequalities. The specialized capabilities of the emergency hospital can help in hastening to reduce research and work. There are also other benefits like more advertisements, doctor credentials, service placement, opening hours, parent family care, or mandatory consultations. The emergency hospitals are also of universal value. Combining emergency and nonemergency departments can delay the initiation of life-saving care; implying that having specialized emergency and emergency centers increases direct survival after stroke, myocardial infarction, and road traffic crashes .


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How to Cite

The Effectiveness Of Emergency Hospital: . (2018). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 23, 160-177. https://doi.org/10.59670/nzgvm056