
Dr.T. Deepamanjuri Devi & Dr. W. Pradip Kumar Singh


The Northeastern Region of India constitutes an important part of the Indian Union which however is percieved as a ‘problematic’ area in many senses of the term. This paper looks at how the various parts of the region ultimately started forming a political unit as a resullt of the past administrative policies of the Colonial power. The present has to be contexlualised in the past so that the situation is fully absorbed and understood as far as the Northeastern Region and the aspiration of the people are concerned. Only then, solutions can be worked out together when problems arise.


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How to Cite

Understanding Northeast India: Past Journey And The Ways Forward. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 37, 1283-1292. https://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/7268