
Yasir Hamad Fahad Alsuways ,Seham Nasser Bin Ateeq , Sarah Nasser Abinateeq, Safi Saad Abdullah Al Safi ,Muneerh Abdurhman Wafi , Bandar Rmaih Almutiri , Mubarak Saer Aldaferi , Nada Mohammed Ibrahim Ageel Hamda Faliah Alrashady, Amrah Mater,Abdullah Alrazin, Amal Ahmad Abdu Rabea Madkhali, Ghadeer Youssf Yaqoup Al Yaqoup, Wejdan Abdu Mohamed Jafar, Badriah Gassem Hakami , Abdu Mohammed Hakami


Efficient and precise multidisciplinary communication is crucial for providing high-quality treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). Nurses and doctors play crucial roles in the health care employment. Therefore, discovering techniques that would enhance collaboration among these two groups may provide proof for tangible enhancement in the ICU, eventually leading to better patient outcomes. The objective of this comprehensive literature analysis was to discover strategies that enhance interactions between nurses and doctors in intensive care units (ICUs). A systematic search was conducted in three databases (Medline, CINAHL, and Science Direct) from September 2014 to June 2016. The search keywords used were nurse, doctor, physician, resident, clinician, ICU, critical care unit, communication, teamwork, cooperation, and relationship. In addition, a manual search was undertaken on the reference lists of the publications that were discovered. A total of eleven articles satisfied the specified criteria for inclusion. These research examined the use of communication tools/checklists, team training, organized work shift evaluation including several disciplines, and computerized templates for situation–background–assessment–recommendation recording in order to enhance communication. While the effectiveness of various intervention measures is still uncertain, our review indicates that these tactics do enhance communication to a certain degree. Subsequent research should be meticulously planned and include outcome measures that are both precise and verified in order to accurately capture and demonstrate the impact of successful communication.


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How to Cite

Enhancing Communication Skills Among Nursing Teams. (2022). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 31(Special Issue 3), 974-982. https://doi.org/10.59670/x817jm73