Scientific Paper Entitle: The Impact Of Organizational Agility On The Quality Of Health Care Services From The Perspective Of Health Personnel In The Government Health Sector In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
This study investigates the relationship between organizational agility and the quality of healthcare services in the government health sector of Saudi Arabia, as perceived by health personnel. The research aims to assess the current status of organizational agility, measure healthcare service quality, and analyze the relationship between these two factors.
To ensure the validity of the study tool, a group of specialized arbitrators reviewed it, and Pearson's Coefficient Correlation was calculated to verify internal consistency. Subsequently, a pilot sample of 30 healthcare staff participated in the questionnaire administration to confirm internal reliability, with correlation coefficients calculated to assess the study tool's validity.
The findings of this research aim to contribute to improving healthcare delivery in Saudi Arabia by understanding how quickly and effectively healthcare organizations can adapt to changes and how this impacts patient care, ultimately benefiting both healthcare providers and recipients.