A Study On E-Pedagogy Knowledge And Attitude Towards Digital Learning Among B.Ed. Trainees In Selected Northern Districts Of Tamil Nadu
E-pedagogical knowledge is the understanding of features of learning and teaching along with technology and benefits and drawbacks of use of technologies in the specific pedagogical methods. Teachers or B.Ed. students are usually supporting their pedagogical methods and strategies through efficient integration information and communication technologies to improve interaction with students, to help explain complicated concepts, to maintain attention of students and to teach students according to their personal needs and make teaching more effective. The findings elucidate that significant difference is prevailed amid profile of B.Ed. trainees and their e-pedagogy knowledge excluding type of college. The e-pedagogy knowledge is having significant, positive and substantial relation with attitude towards digital learning among B.Ed. Trainees. Therefore, B.Ed. trainees should improve their use of various techno-pedagogical methods for their learning and teaching and they must enhance their competence in using different educational learning and teaching technologies. B.Ed. trainees should interact and discuss with their faculty members and peers at regular intervals for improving their e-pedagogy knowledge and these measures will improve their attitude towards digital learning and teaching and learning efficacies.