
Prof. Dr. Fadi Mahmoud Al-Ryahneh


Praise be to Allah, who revealed the Book to His servant and made no crookedness therein; a Book which is upright, warning of a severe punishment from Him, and giving glad tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds, that they will have a good reward. And complete peace and blessings be upon he whose chest Allah expanded, who was relieved of his burden, and whose mention was elevated, Muhammad, son of Abdullah, and upon his family and all his companions. As for what follows:

Indeed, Allah – the Exalted – created everything in this universe with measure, perfected in its creation. The Almighty said: "Indeed, We have created everything with a decree." (Al-Qamar: 49) And the Exalted said: "He created everything and ordained it most exactly." (Al-Furqan: 21) And He said: "Allah has set a measure for all things." (Al-Talaq: 3).

Meaning that Allah – the Exalted – created the universe and made everything within it organized and determined by a decree. He also chose, from all His creations, the human being and honored him with reason. He made the elements of the universe and its constituents at his service, assigning to him the great task and noble duty of cultivating and preserving it, and warned him against causing harm and mischief, saying: "And cause not corruption upon the earth after its rectification." (Al-A'raf: 85).

In many instances in the Book of Allah, we find that He has established a set of principles and values that encourage moderation in using resources and warns against the dangers of extravagance in dealing with these immense blessings. They are considered the real capital of humanity; hence, any imbalance or injustice in the investment of this natural capital will negatively impact people's lives and their future.

This might be one of the main reasons for choosing to write on this topic. In addition, since the beginning of this century, we have witnessed the world's preoccupation with numerous discussions on environmental and sustainability issues and climate change due to their importance and sensitivity. As a result, calls have been made, summits and conferences held, and studies published here and there.

Therefore, after putting trust in Allah, I wrote this research trying to understand the approach of the Holy Quran and its methodology in advocating for environmental preservation and sustainability and highlighting human responsibility in preserving and protecting it from ruin and destruction.


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How to Cite

Preservation And Sustainability Of The Environment In The Holy Quran. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 37, 435-452. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v37i.4838