


The study aims to investigate the impact of the pressure factors on women-led business income in Chennai’s digital space. The research will focus on identifying the various factors that motivate or discourage women from starting and maintaining a business in the digital space, such as socio-economic conditions and personal motivations (push factors) and availability of resources and support systems (pull factors). Data was collected from 294 women entrepreneurs in Chennai through structured questionnaires, and analyzed using percentage analysis and structural equation modeling. Research has shown that motivation factors play an important role in the sustainability of women-led digital spaces.


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How to Cite

The Impact Of Push And Pull Factors On The Sustainability Of Women-Led Business Ventures In The Digital Space: A Study In Chennai. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 4503-4516. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.4521